Matt and I chose to create a Twitter account for our social media project. We chose Twitter because neither of us had ever used it. An ulterior motive was to use our new twitter account to help contribute to the research we’d need for our viral marketing group project.
We started by creating the Twitter account then looking for people with an interest in viral marketing. It was very easy to locate other Twitter with an interest in viral marketing via the Twitter interface.
During the first week or so it was very interesting to see how many tweets some of the people were posting throughout the day. We initially thought it must be some sort of spamming but when we started (reluctantly at first) clicking on some of the links, we found that most of the tweets with website links were legitimate websites that other Twitter users had found and were sharing.
We started noticing that as we were following other users that they would in turn follow us. We felt a little guilty because our usage was definitely more take than give. We shared a few websites we found interesting but nothing that compared to the amount of information that some of the users were sharing.
Social media is always changing and there’s always new information – Twitter is like a first-hand account of the changes that are happening every minute of the day. It’s great to be able to follow and in a way associate ourselves with people who have similar interests.
Be sure to follow us!!! We’ll return the favor!
Hey, I really like your post. I've never used Twitter, so the information you provided was helpful. I like that you can follow specific niches.