Gathering place for MKTG 4700 Social Media projects for Fall 2010, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Thursday, December 2, 2010
My Blogging Experience
Friday, November 19, 2010
Jenn and Jess SMproject!
This is it the last post fall 2010
In starting a blog on TypePad, we learned that there are so many details and so much more to think about than just writing something down. We didn't think that it would be so difficult to think of what to talk about and make it interesting enough to make others want to read it. Since our blog was about other social networking sites, it was very beneficial to join these others sites and learn more about them. My particular favorite was, I had a lot of fun adding a mixture of things to my Soup page. The biggest thing we were surprised to learn on our quest, was that there are fewer social networking sites out there that are suitable for companies than we previously thought. The biggest benefit we got from this project was learning about many of the different social networking sites out there and it will really benefit both of us in our careers as marketing has become more social.
After signing up for Flickr, YouTube, digg, twitter and using blogger for our class project, we quickly learned that there are many tools out there for communicating but with these tools come great risk. As I apply for internships and jobs I have to watch what its said on each, even Facebook. It can be very detrimental if what you blog about is negative about anything really.
I found Flickr to be a lot like Facebook without the silly games just post pictures for family and friends! Digg and blogger are just for personal journals, experiences one wants to write about and if they write it right then people want to read it. Its more like for writers who have opinions or great imagination that just need a venue to get their ideas out there.
Now YouTube is one of the most popular and for a reason. You can YouTube anything and learn from it. You can post videos that can work like commercials without payments, increase traffic to websites with YouTube viral that get shared on social networking sights. Though it’s a little odd and you have to play around with it a bit. I used it for the class project and you couldn’t hear what I was saying but when I played it back it sounded fine at home.
So after this semesters project Jess and I have definitely learned more ways to advertise, network, and communicate but also as we both graduate and go on to find jobs we have learned that we have to watch what we say because it can be seen by every one!
Second Life Drew Collins
Second Life

Thursday, November 18, 2010
LinkedIn Project Summary
Julie S. and Sarah K.
Have you heard of Gowalla?
I had first learned about Gowalla in another marketing class and suggested it to Sarah. Not a lot of people have heard of this site so we decided to investigate further. We began registering as new users and started using the services.
For those of you who haven't heard of this site before, Gowalla is a social networking site linked to your smart phone. You "check-in" to different locations to rack up points and badges. If you have the most amount of check-ins in a particular spot, you become the major of that place. It's a great way to share the places you've been with your friends. Gowalla serves as Foursquare's primary competitor. (Foursquare is another social network in which you can "check-in") Foursquare has more popularity than Gowalla but I don't think it's as interesting.
We suggest that you all create accounts and add us as friends! It's a great way to stay in touch!
Our twitter account is: JE_UCCSMKTG4700.

Creating a twitter account has helped us understand how social networking works and the benefits that can result from using it. Among those benefits of using Twitter we learned that is a great networking tool, information sharing center and communication medium. Twitter's possibilities are endless. All businesses can really benefit from having an account and sharing information with their followers. It is a great way to be open to suggestions and comments from people that are interested in your tweets and business. On the other hand, the downside of businesses using Twitter is that all the tweets are public and sometimes can be negative. Businesses need to turn negative comments into possibilities and positive comments into strengths.
Overall, creating and using a Twitter account has been a good learning experience for both of us.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

We decided to focus our blog on current events that related to topics that we were covering throughout the semester in eCommerce class. Each blog entry began with a summary of a topic, then our opinion of the matter, and ended with questions for our readers. We wanted to engage readers in our blog by asking them thought provoking questions at the end of every entry. We tried to cover topics that would be fun or entertaining to our readers (aimed at other college students) while also being useful and interesting.
One of the most difficult thigns that we found was creating enough interest in our blog to gain new readers. It was also challenging to retain the interest of current readers. Writing the blog was simple, but we maybe should have focused more on getting readers and followers to interact with us. It is a tricky balance though because you won’t get new or engaged readers without having interesting blogs. Another challenge we found was keeping our blog active by updating it regularly. We found that a blog requires at least one author who puts in a significant amount of time managing the blog – something that can be tricky for a college senior getting ready to graduate.
Though the blogging came with its challenges we felt that is was a valuable learning tool. First off it allowed us to learn the creation steps of forming a blog and gain the basic knowledge to structure one. It also gave us a better understanding of how the blogging community works and areas to focus on and learn more about before starting another blog. It was certainly more demanding then we would have expected but it is great to know that now as we continue down the eComm road…
Blogging Social Media Project
For our blog, we wrote about information relevant to our class. The information on each blog was useful, but may not be interesting to people. Overall, blogging is difficult in terms of getting it out there and being recognized. I learned a lot from this project. Thank you everyone who followed Michelle's and Emily's blog!
Thanks for reading.
Emily McCoy
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Rachael and Will's Twitter Experience
There were several problems or inconsistencies we encountered when working on our Twitter project. First, we had a difficult time finding followers. Initially, we received 2 or 3 right off the bat when we signed up and followed 3 people. One of the underlying problems was: do we want quantity or quality? In terms of this project, we thought it would be more useful to have followers that we knew, recognized, or focused on our topic of interest. We didn’t want just any followers talking about social media, but we looked at the content of their pages before requesting them. We connected mainly with people from our class.
Another problem we encountered was the inconsistencies between tweets. We didn’t have time to constantly monitor our Twitter account and often when we would post tweets, they would be within a certain time period. For a business, or to connect with other people, we understand that this takes a lot more upkeep, postings, as well as comments to other’s tweets. We could have also explored the hash tag tool more and provided links to our personal facebook account.
Overall, we learned the value of using Twitter and how it can help promote and create buzz about a business/organization and specific topics. Twitter can bring people from all around the world to communicate on mutual topics of interest. We will both use Twitter in the future and hope it provides us with the benefits that we learned from our project.
Thanks to everyone who followed us! Check us out @Rachael_Will
Sunday, November 14, 2010
My Blog Project
So I originally started my project by doing a Twitter page, where I tweeted about different kind of music as well as music news and basically anything related to music entertainment. Needless to say it wasn't very popular or that fun to maintain and after about a week and a half of very few followers, eventually turning in to none I simply abandoned it.
After that I started a blog and it was quite different and a way more fulfilling experience. Feel free to check it out at,
The blog was a really cool outlet for me to share my insights with strangers, friends, and family. They are very fun outlets and public journals where the audience is actively participates in what you are writing and can really connect the readers directly to the author.
Although my blog was not as successful or even professional as the majority of other blogs out there in the ever expanding world wide web, the lessons I learned were valuable enough. First things first is consistency is King. In order to maintain and keep followers you need to make blogging a hobby. The hardest thing about blogging is finding or even carving a chunk of my time out of the day to sit down and write something.
With that comes content which is a very close second King. Coming up with content is very tricky, but the easiest way for me was to just keep a journal and write down ideas that came to mind. My entire blog was basically wacky insights to things I noticed in life, with the sole goal to get a chuckle out of my readers. In the end I only had three followers which still makes me pretty happy, but I definitely want more. Through the whole experience I plan to continue blogging and to be more efficient at it. Winter Break is right around the corner so who know the possibilities. Thanks for reading and for those who checked the blog out this semester. All in all it was a good time.
Thanks for the love and good luck with the rest of your semesters :)
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Connecting with Constituents
Now I spent two months in Washington this past summer. I attended hearings, met other politicians, watched bills pass on the house floor, etc. I had then, and still have now, a pretty good connection with what's happening. But the people in general I believe are often left in the dark about what's going on. The media itself can only ever report on a handful of bills, and many other laws slip through under the radar without much if any media coverage.
So for my social media project, and for work and the benefit of the people of our district, who deserve to know what's going on with their government, I decided that our office should expand on our social media platform. My idea was to create an ongoing youtube series where Mr. Lamborn would provide updates with legislation that's moving around the House. He'd also read some constituent mail, generally the topics which we receive the most correspondence on. Two other representatives which I like do something similar - Ron Paul (Texas - R) and Jason Chaffetz (Utah - R). Mr. Paul has an ongoing series called "Texas Straight Talk", and Mr. Chaffetz has a series called "Cot Side Chats" because he actually sleeps on a cot in his office in Washington. And of course the president has his own campaign going on called "Your Weekly Address". All of these can be found on Youtube, so it's incredibly easy for people to access. I'm trying to come up with a name for our series, and I think we're going to call it "Colorado Common Sense". For now I simply have "Your Weekly Address" where the title will go.
I discussed this project with him on the way back from an event in Denver one night, and he seemed to really like the idea. I know at this point he's on board for the project, and our press secretary and communications director also think it's a great idea.
I went ahead and put together two versions of the video opening for the upcoming series, a blue version and a red version.
Which do you think looks best?
So far the project has been running smooth enough. But I ran into some problems. The main problem is his schedule. I've been wanting to get our first installment filmed and posted up here before today, the due date of this project. I've spent weeks trying to get some time, but with the elections and all, he's been incredibly busy. It doesn't help that he's sick this week as well. I was actually hoping to film yesterday, and might be able to tomorrow if he's up to it. Otherwise I will definintely post our first video here when I do get that chance, which I think will be pretty soon. But it's put a real damper on my plans, especially for this social media project here.
I really wish I had more I could post now, but it's out of my hands for now. I'll post up any updates I receive. For now, please subscribe to our youtube channel and our Facebook page!
Colorado Farmers Markets Twitter bound
Erika & Amanda's Twitter Project Wrap Up
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Twitter Marketing
For my social media project I looked into companies that have had success using twitter as free marketing. Sorry I got a bit late on adding the twitter account but its @sweettweet_mktg. I found some very interesting ideas from different companies. I am updating my account to include information about successful twitter campaigns. It is very interesting to see how social media has evolved marketing for companies.
I started the the account to really look into Web PR. I liked how companies were using their accounts to make posts and videos to reach more customers. Twitter has helped many companies remake their public relations. One example I have found is the Old Spice page. They have taken something raw and really used it to further their company. Through twitter you can find many ways to find new layouts to better promote your page.
Carl Lum

Matt and I chose to create a Twitter account for our social media project. We chose Twitter because neither of us had ever used it. An ulterior motive was to use our new twitter account to help contribute to the research we’d need for our viral marketing group project.
We started by creating the Twitter account then looking for people with an interest in viral marketing. It was very easy to locate other Twitter with an interest in viral marketing via the Twitter interface.
During the first week or so it was very interesting to see how many tweets some of the people were posting throughout the day. We initially thought it must be some sort of spamming but when we started (reluctantly at first) clicking on some of the links, we found that most of the tweets with website links were legitimate websites that other Twitter users had found and were sharing.
We started noticing that as we were following other users that they would in turn follow us. We felt a little guilty because our usage was definitely more take than give. We shared a few websites we found interesting but nothing that compared to the amount of information that some of the users were sharing.
Social media is always changing and there’s always new information – Twitter is like a first-hand account of the changes that are happening every minute of the day. It’s great to be able to follow and in a way associate ourselves with people who have similar interests.
Be sure to follow us!!! We’ll return the favor!
Creating Simple Tutorials On Youtube
It seems like the world revolves around some sort of social media now a days. Whether it is a friend's status update on Facebook, a product release tweet from a clothing company or a hilarious viral video release on YouTube the point is no one can really escape the reaches of social media networks. Thus, Martin and myself decided to try and make a video on YouTube on a simple topic: Making a how-to YouTube tutorial for absolute beginners.
YouTube is a powerful tool for self-promotion and sharing of all types of multimedia content on the web. Being so, we decided to make a simple how to video to post on YouTube and what better than to make a simple video on how to make and upload video's on YouTube. This video we made is short step-by-step instructional video for absolute beginners to the web and YouTube.
Creating a how to video is not an easy task. To be able to thoroughly and thoughtfully guide and describe even the most simple of processes in a short video is not easy. For us, we had no idea where to begin, what software to use and how to make it worthy of YouTube. Here we will offer a few tips from what we learned from this project.
Tips We've Learned:
1. Use a good video editing software - Editing for content, quality and material is crucial to making the video good and useful
2. Make it interesting - Add some funny/informal clips to add some personality to the video
3. Keep it short - Try to keep the video's under 5 Min. If they are longer split the clips into 4-5 Min. Individual clips and make a YouTube channel instead
4. Choose the right format - YouTube is picky and sometimes tricky in which formats it allows to be published on its website. If the video is still processing an hour after you have uploaded it don't hold your breath - the video's not going to load
5. Manage your time well - Making & editing video's takes a lot of time so don't procrastinate. Make a list of what you want to do, how to do them and schedule yourself accordingly
So, please watch our video and give us some feedback/comments/suggestions. Thanks!
Cj & Martin
Monday, November 8, 2010
Kids on Bikes Colorado Springs
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Marketing in the Age of Google
I've had a Twitter account for a few months now, but have never really used it, I've gotten to learn more and more about it every time I log in and its pretty sweet, I've made some tweets already about topics relating to social media, if you would like to follow me, my name is @Rico0626, I'm really excited to see what other things I can learn and benefit off of from Twitter.
Rico Rosario
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Twitter Account
Before opening a Twitter account, we didn't really understand the value of Twitter, but after using it for several weeks, we are now understanding how crucial Twitter is to stay connected. The many options we now have for social media marketing because of Twitter; and now we can learn so much from so many other people with similiar interests. Everytime we sign on, we discover something new, and we now we still have much more to learn. We will keep you posted on how it is going and the many new lessons learned from Twitter.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Changing Projects
Twitter Project
Saturday, October 23, 2010
The other thing I have recently realized from my own experience is that it's hard to know who finds blog information useful. For instance, the other day I entered a search and one result directed me to a blog. I read the post and used the information but the blogger has no way of knowing that. It seems that it would be hard for the common blogger to measure its usefulness. I know that bloggers can use free trackers to count the traffic, but how do they know if their information is relevant and useful to readers?
--Michelle Bryant
Monday, October 11, 2010
Win a Lance Armstrong Jersey!
Kids on Bikes, is a Non-Profit organization dedicated to providing brand new bikes and safety equipment to under-served children in the Colorado Springs Area. For my Social Media Project, I am enhancing Kid on Bikes Facebook page, so help support me and this wonderful organization by joining today!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Jess and Jenn's Blog
We are writing a blog on TypePad on a lot of different networking and social networking sites. Check it out at
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Follow our blog!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Join us and follow our blog on LinkedIn
Sarah and Julie
Friday, October 1, 2010
Colorado Farmers Markets on Twitter
While there are companies that are well under way of becoming too technology driven, some try to apply traditional marketing techniques to social channels with little success. However, for many companies, the opportunity to listen, engage, collaborate and enter into partnerships with their customers have successfully turned to Twitter as a platform.
As a result, Joshua & I will publicize Local Farmers Markets via Twitter.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Changing Tracks
However, I am really happy to have a blog now an so far it has been a really fun outlet. It's called "The Blog and Bright Ideas of Bogo" and basically chronicles my train of thought. Here is the link
please please check it out and please please participate :)
Thank you
Monday, September 13, 2010
The purpose of the Social Media Projects Blog
If you "stumble upon" or otherwise find this blog and you are not a member of the class, I hope you learn something from it. Keep in mind that all 42 registered students of the class are contributors to this blog, so while I (the course instructor) read and monitor the postings and comments, I don't control the creation of the content. Feel free to join the conversation and leave a comment on the postings if you would like.
TG, the e-commerce prof